Hydrogen Water Bottles Vs Tablets: Which Is Better And Why?

By Sophie
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Have you recently jumped on the hydrogen water trend, but are confused about whether to use tablets or water bottles?

I can relate because I’ve been there myself some years ago.

Choosing between hydrogen water generator bottles and tablets can be challenging since both have their PROS and CONS. You’ll find many people who strongly prefer one over the other.

However, after more than two years of experimenting and researching, I’ve discovered some practical considerations that establish one option clearly superior.

But rather than being swayed by others’ opinions, let’s take a closer look at the facts. I’ll guide you through a comparative analysis of hydrogen water bottles vs tablets to help you make the best choice.

Hydrogen Water Bottles Vs Tablets Which Is Better And Why

Hydrogen Water Bottles: What Sets Them Apart?

Hydrogen water generators are remarkably innovative—they may look like modern water bottles, but they are far more advanced! They use a combination of SPE and PEM, two highly sophisticated technologies, to perform electrolysis, producing molecular hydrogen that infuses the water.

These bottles feature a specialized generator cup containing the electrolyzer components, powered by a lithium-ion battery. This is why hydrogen water jars need to be RECHARGED as needed, just like smartphones.

Using one of these bottles is simple: fill it with water and press the power button—it takes just 5 to 10 minutes to prepare the hydrowater with your desired concentration. The best part is that you can use regular tap water. Hydrogen water generators are also handy and portable, making them perfect for travel.

Hydrogen water generator

Benefits Of Hydrogen Water Bottles Over Tablets

1. Better Taste Of Generated Water

I began my journey with hydrogen tablets but later switched to using hydrogen water bottles. So far, I’ve tried at least 20 different generators from various brands, including Echo, IonBottles, Piurify, Prodigy, Brüun, and more.

After testing thoroughly, I found that the hydrogen water from all these BOTTLES tasted almost exactly like regular drinking water.

In contrast, the taste of water produced by TABLETS varied significantly depending on the brand and size of the tablets, often tasting somewhat bitter and caustic.

While this flavor depends on the concentration of H2 gas produced and the tablet’s ingredients, I found it UNPLEASANT. This is one of the main reasons I started using a hydrogen water generator bottle instead of tablets.

2. More Consistency In Concentration

This point is closely related to the previous one—if you check the specifications, you’ll notice that the concentration of molecular hydrogen produced by these generators is highly consistent across different brands. In contrast, tablets produce varying concentrations depending on their size and ingredients.

As a result, there’s no guarantee you’ll get the same concentration every time, which in turn, affects the taste of the water. This is unlike hydrogen water bottles, which consistently provide a STABLE concentration and taste of water.

3. Superior Convenience

Compared to tablets, hydrogen water bottles offer unbeatable ACCESSIBILITY. While using tablets, you have to keep checking to ensure that it has completely dissolved in water, and then gently shake or stir the water to ensure uniform distribution of molecular H2 gas.

But unlike tablets, you do not need to keep checking hydrogen water generators– you only press the button and wait for a maximum of 10 minutes. Once the preparation is complete, the LED light will indicate that you can immediately drink the water. Moreover, there will be no need to shake the bottle because the concentration of H2 gas will be uniform throughout.

This is another reason I fell in love with my hydrogenerator; it allowed me to go about my own work while it prepared hydrogen-infused water without me having to check continuously.

4. Enhanced Safety

Another factor that drove me towards hydrogen water bottles is – SAFETY. The water prepared in these dedicated appliances is pure and devoid of any unwanted dissolved minerals and, therefore, perfectly suitable for immediate consumption without any worries.

On the other hand, tablets generally contain magnesium hydroxide, salts of magnesium, and other compounds like malic acid and fumaric acid, which ultimately dissolve in the resultant hydrogen water.

If the quantity of magnesium hydroxide is in excess, it may trigger digestive discomfort, nausea, and even diarrhea. Therefore, we cannot rule out the potential health hazards of using hydrogen tablets.

5. More Cost-effective

A hydrogen water generator can last up to 5 years at least if you use it carefully. In comparison, you have to keep buying tablets and remember to replenish your stock, depending on the frequency of use. Besides, these tablets are not cheap if you have been considering buying them for years.

Unlike tablets, hydrogen water bottles are a one-time investment; you can use them with regular tap water as many times as you want without any further expenses. So, these generators are more cost-effective compared to tablets.

This is another major reason I completely switched to using water bottles once I planned to adopt the hydrogen water lifestyle for the long haul.

Limitation Compared To Hydrogen Tablets

Hydrogen Water Bottles Are Costlier

The only drawback I found is that good quality hydrogen generators are more expensive compared to tablets, which come at a lower price point. But, you will be amazed at how budget-friendly these bottles will be in the long run; forget breaking the bank! In comparison, buying tablets is affordable, but for the short term.

Hydrogen Water Tablets: Why They Deserve Your Attention?

I started my hydration journey with those tablets and was quite intrigued by their simplicity. They are essentially magnesium-supplemented tablets, which you dissolve in water. The element magnesium reacts when it comes into contact with water, releasing H2 that dissolves in water to produce hydrogen-rich water.

When you pop a tablet in a jar full of water, you will immediately see an effervescent reaction with BUBBLES appearing, indicating the formation of molecular hydrogen gas. It takes a while for the tablet to disperse completely into water.

But after that, you need to drink this hydrogen water quickly since hydrogen is a highly volatile gas and does not easily dissolve in water. So, delaying might cause it to dissipate into thin air, reducing the concentration and effectiveness of the resultant water.

Hydrogen Water Tablets

Benefits Of Hydrogen Tablets Over Bottles

1. More Hydrogen concentration Than Most Generators

If you want highly concentrated hydrogen-rich water, tablets will be a great choice since these produce the highest concentration of molecular H2, unlike most bottles in the market.

However, as I already mentioned, the concentration of hydrogen gas produced will vary considerably depending on the SIZE of the tablet. So, the taste and effectiveness of the water produced will also vary.

When you compare it with hydrogen water bottles, though the concentration of H2 gas produced is lower, it will always be uniform. So, the taste of water also remains uniform. Some generators in today’s market even produce hydrogen water with a 10,000 ppb concentration, but they are slightly expensive over $100.

2. Easier To Use

Hydrogen water tablets are very STRAIGHTFORWARD in terms of use – you simply dissolve a tablet in an airtight container full of water, and your water is ready. Unlike bottle generators, there is no question of draining the battery and putting it down for charging.

3. No Maintenance Hassles

This advantage closely follows the previous one – using hydrogen tablets does not require any maintenance effort from our end. This starkly contrasts H2 water bottles that require periodic cleaning following proper guidelines to prevent damage and ensure longevity.

Disadvantages Of Hydrogen Water Tablets

1. Require Airtight Container

You cannot use just any container to prepare hydrogen-infused water with tablets. You should ensure it is an airtight container that does not let molecular H2 gas escape and dissipate into the air. It is not just weakly soluble in water but also highly volatile, which causes it to escape and disseminate into the air, weakening its concentration in the water.

Unlike tablets, there is no need to worry about choosing an appropriate container for hydrogen water bottles since these devices already come in the form of specially designed JARS, CUPS, and PITCHERS.

2. Drink Immediately After Generation

Hydrogen-rich water, produced by tablets, should be consumed immediately before the molecular gas dissipates. In comparison, the molecular hydrogen concentration is usually retained for up to 8 hours in a dedicated bottle, so you do not need to consume the water immediately.

3. Presence Of Magnesium Content

Most hydrogen tablets contain up to 80 mg of magnesium that our body can absorb very easily. Now, consuming too many tablets is not recommended since it can disturb our body’s equilibrium and cause various health hazards.

So, it is vital to stick to a controlled daily dosage of hydrogen water tablets. On the contrary, water generated in those bottles is 100% free of magnesium and other impurities. So you can consume it without any concerns- there are no proven side effects found yet.

Hydrogen Water Bottle Vs. Tablet Comparison

Point Of DifferenceHydrogen Water BottleHydrogen Water Tablet
LongevityWhen properly used and maintained following guidelines, they can last for at least 2 years, even up to 5 years.When packaged in an airtight container with desiccant, they can last for around 2 years.
Presence of ImpuritiesGenerates pure hydrogen water that is devoid of impurities and safe for drinking.Hydrogen tablets might contain dissolved salts and other impurities.
Hydrogen ConcentrationThe concentration of molecular hydrogen remains uniform and consistent for up to 8 hours.The concentration of molecular H2 gas varies with tablet size. The water produced should be consumed immediately since concentration weakens rapidly.
TasteThe water tastes the same as regular drinking water.The water might taste caustic or bitter depending on the hydrogen concentration.
Ease of UseVery easy to use and maintain.Straightforward usage in a suitable container.
PortabilityExcellent portability and easy to use while traveling.Excellent portability and suitable while traveling.
CostSlightly expensive, but cost-efficient for long-term use. The average cost of a hydrogen water bottle is around $50-100.Affordable for short-term use. Tablets can cost up to $540 per year.
YieldGenerates at least 3 and 5 ppm of molecular hydrogen in each cycle.The recommended dosage is dissolving 2 tablets daily in 12 to 16 oz. of water. Each tablet yields 8 to 10 ppm of molecular H2 gas, on average.

So, Which Is Better: Hydrogen Bottles Or Tablets, and Why?

Choosing between hydrogen water bottles and tablets is bound to be a very personal choice based on individual preferences and lifestyles. However, if you were to ask me, since I have extensively tried and tested both, here is what I would like to say.

Magnesium tablets are much more HASSLE-FREE than hydrogen water generators, but we cannot look away from their potential health hazards. Besides, regularly buying tablets will only be budget-friendly when you think of the SHORT TERM, as happened in my case. In the long run, I found that investing in a bottle is undoubtedly more cost-effective.

What’s more? Hydrogen water bottles are extremely user-friendly, designed for high adaptability, and usually last much longer. And most importantly, you can use them with regular tap water to prepare safe and pure hydrogen-rich water whenever you want. So, I will always vote for those generators.

You can also read those comparisons of hydrogen water with ionized and alkaline water:

Key Takeaways

Bottles and tablets are both popular when it comes to preparing hydrogen-rich water.

Both are very easy to use and highly portable.

While tablets deliver the highest concentration of molecular hydrogen gas, bottles deliver consistency in concentration and have a longer shelf-life.

Hydrogen tablets contain high levels of magnesium, which can affect our health in the long term.

Bottles help prepare hydrogen water that is free of contaminants and, therefore, absolutely safe for consumption.

Tablets might be budget-friendly for short-term use, but hydrogen bottles are more cost-effective and sustainable in the long run.

Sophie Herbert Author

Author: Sophie Herbert

Sophie is a passionate fitness enthusiast and wellness advocate who shares her experiences on Hydropitcher.com. With a background in gymnastics and yoga, Sophie's mission is to empower others to lead healthier lives. Her insightful tips and reviews on hydrogen water bottles are aimed at helping readers make informed choices for their well-being. Learn more.

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    • Hi Susan,
      Thanks for reaching out! I personally test the hydrogen water bottles I recommend, and I’ll be writing an article soon about my top picks. Keep an eye out for it! In the meantime, I always suggest going for a bottle that’s reliable and well-reviewed. If you have any specific questions, feel free to ask!



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